Friday, December 11, 2009

Challenge #8

So I am finally getting back to doing the challenges. I found a Powerpoint that someone created to use with an introduction to Beowulf. Not sure whether I would use it or not. I do think that this could be a useful tool, especially if I were to use more Powerpoints in my classes.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Challenge #7

I finally got around to checking out delicious. It is a pretty cool tool! I had bookmarked a couple of sites yesterday in school, and it was nice to be able to easily access them last night at home, especially right from my iGoogle page. I can see me making use of this.

Well, I'm not really liking this snow much, but I guess it's inevitable.... Have a happy and safe Halloween!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Challenge #6

Here is one of my favorite Lit and Lang 12 pieces--and one of the best satires ever!

Swift, Jonathan - A Modest Proposal

Friday, October 2, 2009

Challenge #5

I always listen (somewhat jealously) to others talk about their TiVo and DVRs. We, not so long ago, after having a total of 2-3 stations with even decent reception, finally got cable laid out to our place. Satelite, TiVo, and DVR are things that I always felt I could live without (although deep down the idea of skipping commercials or just watching it when I felt like it sounded pretty cool). So, now being able to watch full-length shows on the internet for FREE...Yay!! I guess it's not that I wasn't aware it was there, but I just never took the time to explore it. I'm not so sure that my now finding it is necessarily going to be a good thing!

However, I think this can be great for the classroom--especially in English classes. Being able to find movies of some of our selections or of the time period we are studying is really exciting! Now, to find the time to really look!

On the not so serious not but in the spirit of Macbeth, since we will be starting this soon, here is a Simpsons episode that I found.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Challenge #4

I joined the Facebook craze last year, and although I wouldn't call myself addicted, I do check it at least once a day (of course, now I have it on my iGoogle homepage and my Blackberry so it's even easier!). I can't say I update my status all that often, but I enjoy seeing what others have to say. It's a fun way to keep in touch with friends that I don't see that often as well as some that I see most every day. At this point I don't feel comfortable becoming friends with students, but I do think I may consider creating a class page.

I did create a Twitter account now as well, but I just don't see myself making much use of that–of course, I didn't really see myself getting into Facebook either...! Time will tell.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Challenge #3

RSS really does save time. Oh, who am I kidding–it gives me more stuff to read and keep up with! But, at least I don't have to go out to all the different sites every time I want to take a peek!

Our first full week is just about done! Have a great week-end, everybody!

Challenge #2

I've had an iGoogle page for quite a while. I love how so many things are accessible in just one spot!
Challenge #1
Well, here it is! The easy part is over--creating the blog itself! Now, to come up with something meaningful to write...! This is actually my second blog. I had to create one for a class I took a year or so ago. Unfortunately, I never kept it going after the class was over.

As an English teacher, I can definitely see a use for blogs in the classroom. Between posting questions for students to answer to giving them a chance to publish their work in a real world setting, blogs can have a positive effect on learning.